October 15, 2012

Orange Sesame Dressing

This simple, creamy dressing packs irresistible flavor. When you're looking for a healthy, oil-free dressing this is great choice. You can easily get variety by adding different spices, herbs or fresh fruit.
Yeilds 2 cups
½ c water
¾ c tahini
¼ c miso (optional)
2 oranges, juiced
1 tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion granules
¼ tsp cumin

Blend water, tahini, miso, and orange juice to an even consistency. Add spices and blend again. If you would like the dressing thinner, add 1-2 T more of water or orange juice. The blending will warm the dressing, making it a nice complement to steamed greens or starches. To use for salads, feel free to chill the dressing for +20 minutes in the refrigerator.
Note: If not using miso, start with just orange juice and tahini, leaving the water until the very end. Only add enough water to give it the desired consistency.

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